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The History of the Citywide Council for District 75:


The Education Councils started in 2002 when the State gave Mayoral Control over the city’s public schools. Community and Citywide

Councils were created and Citywide Council on Special Education (CCSE) was formed to solely represent the students of District 75.

After 2009 elections, an amendment to NY Education Law 2590-b, included the CCSE, whose parent body was to consist of, and

represent, parents of children with IEP located throughout the city’s school districts attending an General Education School and

two seats reserved for parents of a student attending a District 75 Program/School. 

Upon reviewing the Chancellor’s Regulations D-150. The parents and previous members of the council believed fair representation

of District 75 would be better served with a citywide program of their own. District 75 consists of parents of students with IEPs,

504 accommodations and hospital schools.  A letter campaign was initiated calling for District 75 families to have its own

distinct representation, as stakeholders and decision makers in their children’s education. Due to the recommendations the

Revised Chancellor’s Regulations D-150 included and established The Citywide Council for District 75 (CCD75).  

            The purpose of the amendment to Chancellor’s Regulations D-150 to include a CEC for District 75 was approved by the Panel for Education Policy (PEP)

on March 23, 2010 at the Michael J. Petrides School in Staten Island, NY. Effective July 1, 2010, District 75 Officially became a Citywide Council for District 75. 



Chancellor's Regulations D-150 click here

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