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CCD75 Committee on Safety

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Aisha Husbands
Safety Committee Chair

Mission Statement:


Our goal is to promote, review and aid in maintaining measures that will fortify the health and safety of District 75 students, parents and staff. 

The Safety committee is charged with providing guidance and resources to support the whole child. Safety encompasses physical, social and emotional wellness. Mental and physical health takes precedence for this committee. With the use of research and collaboration along with the promotion of proactive behaviors, this committee will work with and advise the community regarding safety concerns.

For more information email:

2022 Safety Committee Annual Report 

The safety committee has been committed to providing workshops and resources that will live in perpetuity. There are  resources that  are available on the CCD75  YouTube Page along with our Safety Committee page.

The following are a number of resources that we were able  to provide in the last year.


1.Nutrition 101- Nutritionist Cali Gitlin

2.Fire Safety Tips-Presented by FDNY Firefighter Robyn Summmerlin July 2022

   Fire Safety  resources, Critical Information Dispatch System ( CIDS)

   Free smoke and carbon monoxide alarms

3. Travel training introduction- Presented by David Abrahams November 2022

    Essential skills to increase safety and independence.Travel Training is short-term, comprehensive, intensive, one-to-one, specially designed instruction to teach high school age students with disabilities (other than blindness) how to travel safely and independently on public transportation.

    Essential skills and suggested activities in the home to increase safety and Independence

4. Planning for the Future- Presented By Paola Martinez-Boone-January 2023

    Read More in 2022-2023 Report 

Safety Committee Presentations

Join us for our committee meetings or catch up in your free time. Let us know any topic of discussion you'd like presented. 

For all council meetings subscribe & follow us on our youtube channel.

Planning For the Future

Presenter: Paola Martinez -Boone

Featured Video

Over 40 years of service protecting the civil rights of the disabled and immigrant population. The Health Justice Program works to achieve equal access to health care in low-income communities of color and immigrant communities in New York City. The Disability Justice Program works to advance civil rights and ensure equality

of opportunity, self-determination, and independence for people with disabilities. Our advocacy spans many areas, including housing, transportation, education, and equal access to programs and services in New York community integration.

NYLPI’s contact information:

212-244-4664 or online at

Please check our website 

New York Lawyers for the Public Interest

Programme de formation en voyage du district 75

Le programme de formation en voyage du district 75 a été fondé par Peggy Groce en 1970, qui a dirigé le programme jusqu'en 2018. Au cours des cinquante dernières années, des instructeurs ont enseigné aux étudiants souffrant de tous types de handicaps, à l'exception de la cécité et de la basse vision, à voyager seuls dans le bus ou métro. Le programme D75 est le plus important et le plus ancien du pays et a servi de modèle pour d'autres programmes de formation aux voyages à travers le pays, notamment Easter Seals Project Action. La formation au voyage favorise l'indépendance et peut conduire à de meilleures opportunités d'emploi et constitue un élément crucial de l'éducation des jeunes handicapés.

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Pour plus d'informations >>>>>

Les étudiants éligibles âgés de 14 ans et plus peuvent bénéficier de services de formation en voyage. Ces services aident les étudiants à utiliser les transports en commun et à naviguer de manière autonome dans différents environnements. Pour en savoir plus sur la formation en voyage, appelez le 212-802-1625.

La clé de l'indépendance de votre enfant 
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If you are interested in travel training for your child, please reach out to your child's teacher, or your parent coordinator, or email David Abrahams with District 75 (contact above). Available for D75 high school students 14-21 years old.

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AHRC Independent Travel Instruction
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YAI Travel Training 
Inclure NYC Travel Training 
9 Essential Skills 
Travel Training FAQ Sheet
Suggested Home Skills 

Safety Committee Presentations

Join us for our committee meetings or catch up in your free time. Let us know any topic of discussion you'd like presented. 

For all council meetings subscribe & follow us on our youtube channel.

Health Resources

Mental Health

National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders.

Dial 988

NYU Dentistry Oral Health Center for People with Disabilities

©       Fièrement créé par le comité de sensibilisation du conseil municipal du district 75

          Office: 400 First Avenue I Room 714 I  New York, NY 10010

          Tel: 212-802 -1540 I Télécopie : 718-752-7399 I Courriel : 

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