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Committee on Busing                                                                      Amy Ming Tsai, Chair  

The Purpose of the Committee on Busing and Safety provides district-wide, advisory oversight of students using all modes of transportation other than transportation provided in a parent's private vehicle. The committee is also charged with advisory oversight of student safety in and around District 75 schools.  We advocate for parents, caregivers as well as school personnel where student busing and student safety are concerned.  We disseminate pertinent information relating to these issues, recommend changes to chancellor rules and regulations, and, when necessary, recommend legislative changes to New York State statutes.

Advisory Opinion on the Use of District 75 Schools as Voter Registration and Polling Sites

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Busing Student Complaint Form

Please see the Committee on Busing and Safety for the Citywide Council for District 75 "Student Busing Complaint Form". This form is to help us obtain information regarding the problems with busing in our fact-finding mission. We will also forward your information to OPT to review and follow up with you. Please download, fill out and if you should have emails, documents, correspondences or your personal notes attach, scan or postal mail them to the committee's email address at

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SPECIAL NEEDS TRANSPORTATION: School Bus Driver Allegedly Refuses to Release Student Having Seizure to Mother. See comments by Anthony Caponera, Chair of the Committee

Please click box to read pdf document

From the School Safety Procedures Training for CCEC members to access the GRP (General Response Protocol) summary sheet from the training.

Please click box to read pdf document

Resolution In Support of A New Chancellor Regulation Closing Schools For Instructional Days At All District 75 Voter Polling Sites For Any And All Elections Governed By The New York City Board of Elections- Resolution CECD75 (17-19)(02)(18.06.20) Click Here

Board of Elections Letter, Nov. 2, 2017 and Letter to Ketler Louissaint, Superintendent, D75, October 3, 2017  Click Here


Board of Elections Letter, January 2, 2018 and incorporated in the package the Resolution #87 - CEC 31 Request That The NYC Department of Education  Designates Both Primary and General Election Days As Student Non- Attendance Days, Passed 11/3/14 Click Here


Citywide Council District 75 Committee on Busing and Safety Advisory Opinion on the Use of District 75 Schools As Voter Registration And Polling Sites Click Here

How Far Do NYC Students Travel to Get to School? Click here for the report

Click the Yellow School Bus to Receive information from OPT Specialized Transportation and/or Click Basic Student Transportation Image to receive Student Transportation Information 

©       2021 Citywide Council for District 75 

          Office: 400 First Avenue I Room 714 I  New York, NY 10010

          Tel: 212-802-1540 I Fax: 718-752-7399 I Email: 

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